About me

My story

Hey there! I’m Pratyush Kumar, a passionate product designer with over 3 years of experience. Believe it or not, my love affair with design began way back in 7th grade. I found myself creating attractive covers for school projects. Later I started charging for my services and began designing covers for my friends too. I had no idea that my modest beginnings would spark something that would define my professional path.

Fast forward to my college years, and things really started to get serious. While my classmates were busy figuring out their career, I had already found my calling in design. I decided to dive into this amazing world without any special training or education, relying only on my natural abilities and a strong desire to learn.

You might be surprised to know that I don’t have a formal design degree. But hey, who needs one when you have a heart full of passion and a mind bursting with creativity? As they say engineers can become everything but an engineer. I firmly believe that it’s the love for design that truly drives me, not just a piece of paper hanging on the wall.

Throughout my journey, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with numerous brands specially in the Ed-Tech sector. Each project has been a new challenge for me, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and constantly fueling my curiosity.

Lately, my focus has shifted more towards design community. That’s why I’ve dedicated a part of my day to create and share free design resources, with the goal of building a platform that brings designers together. I want to provide a space where aspiring designers can access valuable tools, assets, and information without any barriers. 

But enough about me. I’m here to help you make an impact. Whether it’s crafting intuitive user experiences or creating visually stunning designs, I thrive on turning ideas into reality. Let’s start this thrilling adventure together and make something truly remarkable.

Design is my obsession

Giving back to the design community

Let's talk!

Want to create awesomeness together? Got questions? Let’s talk.